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Monday, 30 June 2014

Engineering Entrance Exams

Engineering Entrance Exams in Brief

Most of the entrance tests for IITs, IIITs, NITs, CFTIs and other Engineering Colleges in India are held in the months of April / May / June for the academic year starting July / August and results of these tests are published in the months of June/ July/ August.
Ministry of Human Resource & Development (MHRD), Govt. of India had directed in 2013 to conduct combined entrance tests for all IITs, NITs, IIITs, and all other State & IIT-JEE affiliated Engineering colleges in India in two phases called  – JEE (Main) & JEE (Advanced). There will be common entrance tests for admissions in undergraduate degree programs in India's government as well as private Engineering/Science Institutions/Colleges/Universities including the IITs.

Generally the syllabus of the engineering entrance test is based on the course outline of the class XI and XII and as well as NCERT. The motto of the test is to assess the basic knowledge and fundamentals of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. However in some specific tests, questions are asked on MAT, English, Logical Reasoning and Drawing etc.
In case of JEE (Advanced), Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics are given equal importance with 20 questions in each subject of 60 marks along with negative marks in some sections. Maximum marks are 180. Whereas in JEE (Main), 30 questions in each subject of 90 marks having Objective and Assertion-Reason type questions with equal weightage of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. There is 1/4th negative marking for incorrect response. Total marks are 360.
In case of VITEEE, 40 questions in each part with equal weightage of PART-I: Physics, PART-II: Chemistry, PART-III: Mathematics/ Biology. Total no. of questions is 120. Each question carry one mark whereas in case of BITSAT, there are 4 parts as Part-I: Physics-40, Part-II: Chemistry-40, Part-III: (a) English Proficiency-15 and (b) Logical Reasoning-10, Part-IV: Mathematics-45 questions. Total 150 questions, each question carry 3 marks.

Medical Entrance Exams

Medical Entrance Exams in Brief
Most of the entrance tests for Medical Colleges in India are held in the months of April / May / June for the academic year starting July / August. Generally, the syllabus of the entrance test is based on the course outline of the class XI and XII of NCERT syllabus. The knowledge is tested in Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology. Certain exams also test the knowledge on English, General Aptitude, Current Affairs, Mental Ability and Gandhian Ideologies etc. The weightage of the aforementioned subjects vary from exam to exam.

There are certain exams like AIIMS, where Physics, Chemistry and Biology are given equal importance with 60 questions on each of the subjects along with 20 questions from General Knowledge. However, there are exams like AIPMT, where equal weightage is given to four subjects i.e., Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology each having with 45 questions of total 720 marks (4 marks each question). There is also one fourth (1/4) negative marking for each wrong answers.

Most of the exams are one-stage exams with objective type question paper. However, there are some exams with two stages, where in first stage certain numbers of students are short listed with an objective pattern tests. The short listed candidates are then put through another objective/subjective pattern exam for final selection.

Some of the exams also have an interview stage before a seat is allocated for the MBBS course like AFMC. 

AFMC, Pune - 2014

Admission in AFMC, Pune

Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC) Pune shall admit candidates for entry into MBBS course commencing from 01 Aug 2014. On the basis of AIPMT – 2014, total 130 candidates (including maximum of 25 girls) will be selected for admission in 2014.

Candidates desirous for admission into AFMC, Pune will have to register and apply online on the website OR at  To be considered for admission to AFMC Pune, the eligible candidates should have appeared in AIPMT – 2014 and also applied online to AFMC Pune.
Last day for change of interview date on grounds mentioned in the call letter for interview is before the start of interview for year 2014 i.e. 24th June 2014.
Cut-off marks considered to be shortlisted for interview:
GIRLS - 536/720                                      BOYS - 487/720

Shortlisted candidates for interview are required to login their AFMS account and click on view score to generate their latest call letter for interview and bring the same for interview

Candidate shortlisted for interview can see the interview letter on their AFMS account. Any discrepancy should be forwarded immediately to webmaster email id:

Selection Process of AFMC:
Following process was practiced for the year 2013 in AFMC, Pune - Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC), Pune has a selection process based on written (Objective Pattern) as well as interview stage. The shortlisted candidates in order of online registration numbers will be called for Test of English Language, Comprehension, Logic and Reasoning (ToELR) will be in the form of CBT (Computer Based Test) consisting of 40 MCQs of 2.0 marks each amounting to a maximum of 80 marks and will be held in the month of June at AFMC, Pune. There will be negative marks of 0.5 for every incorrect answer. These 40 questions will be required to be answered in 30 minutes. The marks obtained in ToELR will be added to AIPMT score (max of 720) to get a score out of 800. This will be divided by 4 to get the written examination score out of 200.
The interview will consist of 50 marks. The final merit will be based on the Final score thus obtained (Written examination score + Interview marks).

Contact Numbers for admission in AFMC:
Admission Cell: 020 - 26334209
Brig Adm UG: 020- 26330781
Col Trg UG: 020 – 26330708

For more information regarding admission in AFMC, Pune please logon official website:

For more information about AIPMT, please logon official website of CBSE-AIPMT: