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Saturday, 9 March 2013

NCO - National Cyber Olympiad

National Cyber Olympiad

NCO Exam
The NCO is now a global search competition that aims at identifying and nurturing cyber talent amongst the youngsters. It is as much about inspiring the younger generation to enhance their knowledge and comprehension of issues related to computers and IT as about testing their aptitude in these streams. It is an international level competition focusing on Mental Ability, Logical & Analytical Reasoning in computers and IT.

Registration of Students for NCO
The event is open to the students of classes 2 to 12 and registrations are received from the schools in the prescribed pro-forma. Registration sheets for the school / students and the information booklet (prospectus) are posted to schools.

Students have to register through their schools only. SOF does not accept individual participation.

Although the exam conducted by the same Foundation, NCO, NSO, IMO and IEO are four completely different competitions. Students can register for all the 4 Olympiads in a year. 

Eligible for the NCO
Students of classes 2nd to 12th are eligible to appear for the NCO. The top 5% international ranked students of the first round from each class, 10 state toppers class wise and class toppers from a school – where at least 10 students have appeared for the exam are eligible to appear in the 2nd level online / offline exam. 

Structure and pattern of the NCO examination
The level-1 competition is a written objective-type test of 60 minutes duration comprising 35 objective-type (Multiple Choice) questions for class 2 to class 4 and 50 questions from class 5 to class 12.

Question paper will have three sections:

Section I – Mental Ability (5/10 questions)

Section II – Logical and Analytical Reasoning (10/10 questions)

Section III – Computer and Information Technology (20/30 questions)

Each correct answer carries one mark. There is no negative marking.

In case of level 1 exam, the following criteria will apply:
1.    Marks obtained in relevant level
2.    Marks obtained in sections of the relevant level. Each section is accorded separate weightage.
3.    More than one student may get same rank.

In case of level 2, the following criteria will apply:
1.    Student with the higher marks in level 2 exam.
2.    In case of a tie, weightage will be accorded as per following priority:
a.    Student with higher marks in sections in level two paper accorded more weightage. 
b.    Student with higher marks in Level 1 exam.
c.    Student with higher marks in sections in level one paper accorded more weightage. 
3.    Based on past performance of student.
4.    Based on interview conducted by SOF.

Note: 2nd level exam is held for Cyber, Science & Mathematics Olympiads.

In level two, no two students will be given same rank.

Results of both the levels of NCO are declared within 7-8 weeks of the examination. The results are sent to the schools concerned. The results are also made available website.

Syllabus for the NCO
The syllabus of the NCO is the Computers and Mathematics syllabus as is prescribed by the CBSE, ICSE or various state boards. If you sit for the second level and have moved onto the next class, the syllabus will remain the same (i.e. of the previous class). 

In general, NCERT books/course books prescribed by the CBSE/ICSE/STATE BOARDS are sufficient for the preparation. Your computer curriculum book is good enough to prepare you for NCO. SOF website also contains these papers (link for NSO / NCO / IMO).

Foundation's official website:

Full Syllabus of National Cyber Olympiad (NCO) Class-wise

Class 2
The actual test paper has 35 questions. Time allowed: 60 minutes. There are 3 sections:  5 questions in section I, 10 in section II and 20 in section III.
Section –I (Mental Ability): Numerals and Number Names, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication as Repeated Addition, Temperature, Time, Calendar, Measurement of Length and Weight, Geometrical Shapes, Money.
Section –II (Logical and Analytical Reasoning): Problems Based on Figures, Find Odd Numeral Out, Series Completion, Coding-Decoding, Mathematical Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning.
Section –III (Computers and IT): Introduction to Computers (General Information), Parts of Computer, Uses of Computer, Learning to use Keyboard and Mouse, Introduction to MS-Paint.
In addition to the above Syllabus, the NCO paper may include Questions on latest Developments / Upgradation in computers.

Class 3
The actual test paper has 35 questions. Time allowed: 60 minutes. There are 3 sections:  5 questions in section I, 10 in section II and 20 in section III.
Section –I (Mental Ability): Numerals and Number Names, Addition, Subtraction, Fractional Numbers, Multiplication as Repeated Addition, Division as Repeated Subtraction, Time, Temperature, Straight and Curved Lines, Calendar, Measurement of Length, Weight and Capacity, Geometrical Shapes, Money.
Section –II (Logical and Analytical Reasoning): Problems Based on Figures, Find Odd Numeral Out, Series Completion, Coding-Decoding, Mathematical Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, Mirror Images, Embedded Figures.
Section –III (Computers and IT) : About Computers (General Information), Parts of Computer, Uses of Computer, Start & Shut down of a Computer, Input and Output Devices, Introduction to Internet, MS-Paint, Introduction to MS-Word.
In addition to the above Syllabus, the NCO paper may include Questions on latest Developments / Upgradation in computers.

Class 4
The actual test paper has 35 questions. Time allowed: 60 minutes. There are 3 sections:  5 questions in section I, 10 in section II and 20 in section III.
Section –I (Mental Ability) :  Number and Numeration,  Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Geometrical Shapes, Measurement of Time, Measurement of Length, Mass, Perimeter and Capacity, Money, Fractional Numbers, Pictorial Representation of Data, Roman Numerals, Numbers upto one Lakh, Multiples and Factors.
Section –II (Logical and Analytical Reasoning): Problems Based on Figures, Find Odd Numeral out, Series Completion, Coding-Decoding, Mathematical Reasoning, Mirror Images, Embedded Figures.
Section –III (Computers and IT) : About Computers (General Information), Parts of Computer, Input and Output Devices, Hardware, Software, MS-Word, Using MS-Windows, Introduction to Internet, Computer Networks, Uses of Internet, MS-Paint.
In addition to the above Syllabus, the NCO paper may include Questions on latest Developments / Upgradation in computers.

Class 5
The actual test paper has 50 questions. Time allowed: 60 minutes. There are 3 sections:  10 questions in section I, 10 in section II and 30 in section III.
Section – I (Mental Ability) : Regional and Roman Numerals, Numbers up to one Lakh, Multiples and Factors, Fractional Numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Estimation, Geometrical Shapes,  Measurement, Time, Money, Perimeter, Area, Angle, Pictorial Representation of Data, Prime and Composite Numbers, HCF and LCM.
Section – II (Logical and Analytical Reasoning): Problems Based on Figures, Find Odd Numeral Out, Series Completion, Coding-Decoding, Mathematical Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, Mirror Images, Embedded Figures.
Section – III (Computers and IT) : Input and Output Devices, Hardware, Software, Storage Devices, Memory – Primary & Secondary Memory, MS-Paint, MS-Word, Introduction to MS-Power Point, Introduction to Multimedia, Internet, Computer Networks, MS-Windows.
In addition to the above Syllabus, the NCO paper may include Questions on latest Developments / Upgradation in computers.
Class 6
The actual test paper has 50 questions. Time allowed: 60 minutes. There are 3 sections:  10 questions in section I, 10 in section II and 30 in section III.
Section –I (Mental Ability) : Roman Numerals, Numbers and Numeration, Prime and Composite Numbers, HCF and LCM, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Fractional Numbers, Decimal Fractions, Basic Geometrical Shapes, Angles, Triangles, Circles, Measurement of Length, Mass and Capacity, Time, Money, Profit and Loss, Temperature, Area and Perimeter, Volume, Pictorial Representation of Data, Integers, Factors and Multiples, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage.
Section –II (Logical and Analytical Reasoning): Problems Based on Figures, Find Odd Numeral Out, Series Completion, Coding-Decoding, Mathematical Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, Mirror Images, Embedded Figures.
Section –III (Computers and IT) :History and Generation of Computers, Types of Computers,

MS-Windows, MS-Word, MS-Power Point, Internet & E-mail, Introduction to QBasic, Hardware, Software, Input & Output Devices, Memory & Storage Devices.
In addition to the above Syllabus, the NCO paper may include Questions on latest Developments / Upgradation in computers.
Class 7
The actual test paper has 50 questions. Time allowed: 60 minutes. There are 3 sections:  10 questions in section I, 10 in section II and 30 in section III.
Section –I (Mental Ability) : Natural Numbers and Whole Numbers, Integers, Factors and Multiples, Ratios, Proportion and Unitary Method, Percentage and Its Applications, Algebraic Expressions, Linear Equations in One Variable, Basic Geometrical Concepts, Line Segments, Angles, Triangles, Pairs of Lines and Transversal, Construction, Perimeter and Area, Rational Numbers, Decimal Representation of Rational Numbers, Exponents.
Section –II (Logical and Analytical Reasoning) : Problems Based on Figures, Find Odd Numeral Out, Series Completion, Coding-Decoding, Mathematical Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, Mirror Images, Embedded Figures, Direction Sense Test, Cubes and Dice.
Section –III (Computers and IT) : Fundamentals of Computer, Evolution of Computers, Hardware, Software, Input & Output Devices, Memory & Storage Devices, Using Windows, MS-Word, MS-Power Point, MS-Excel, Programming in QBasic, Internet & Viruses.
In addition to the above Syllabus, the NCO paper may include Questions on latest Developments / Upgradation in computers.

Class 8
The actual test paper has 50 questions. Time allowed: 60 minutes. There are 3 sections:  10 questions in section I, 10 in section II and 30 in section III.
Section –I (Mental Ability) : Rational Numbers, Operation on Rational Numbers, Decimal Representation of Rational Numbers, Exponents, Direct and Inverse Variations, Percentage and Its Application, Algebraic Expression, Factorization of Algebraic Expressions, Linear Equation in One Variable, More About Triangles, Congruent Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Circles, Area of Rectangular Paths, Surface Area and Volumes, Statistics, Squares and Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots.
Section –II (Logical and Analytical Reasoning): Problem Based on Figures, Find Odd Numeral Out, Series Completion, Coding-Decoding, Mathematical Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, Mirror Images, Embedded Figures.
Section –III (Computers and IT) : Internet & Viruses, HTML, Flash, MS-Access, Networking, MS-Word, MS-Power Point, MS-Excel, Hardware, Software, Input & Output Devices, Memory & Storage Devices.
In addition to the above Syllabus, the NCO paper may include Questions on latest Developments / Upgradation in computers.

Class 9
The actual test paper has 50 questions. Time allowed: 60 minutes. There are 3 sections:  10 questions in section I, 10 in section II and 30 in section III.
Section –I (Mental Ability) : Number Systems, Polynomials, Coordinate Geometry, Linear Equations in Two Variables, Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry, Lines and Angles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles, Circles, Constructions, Heron’s Formula, Surface Areas and Volumes, Statistics, Probability.
Section –II (Logical and Analytical Reasoning): Problems Based on Figures, Find Odd Numeral Out, Series Completion, Coding-Decoding, Mathematical Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, Mirror Images, Embedded Figures, Direction Sense Test, Cubes and Dice.
Section –III (Computers and IT): Algorithms and Flowcharts in Programming, Visual Basic, Animations, HTML, Internet and Viruses, MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-Power Point, Hardware, Software, Input & Output Devices, Memory & Storage Devices, Flash, Networking.
In addition to the above Syllabus, the NCO paper may include Questions on latest Developments / Upgradation in computers.
Class 10
The actual test paper has 50 questions. Time allowed: 60 minutes. There are 3 sections:  10 questions in section I, 10 in section II and 30 in section III.
Section –I (Mental Ability) : Real Numbers, Polynomials, Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables, Quadratic Equations, Arithmetic Progressions, Triangles, Coordinate Geometry, Introduction to Trigonometry, Some Applications of Trigonometry, Circles, Constructions, Areas Related to Circles, Surface Areas and Volumes, Statistics, Probability.
Section –II (Logical and Analytical Reasoning): Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning.
Section –III (Computers and IT) :Basics of IT, Operating System, Word Processing Tool, Networking, Multimedia, MS-Power Point, HTML, Internet, MS-Excel, Hardware, Software, Input & Output Devices, Memory & Storage Devices.
In addition to the above Syllabus, the NCO paper may include Questions on latest Developments / Upgradation in computers.

Class 11
The actual test paper has 50 questions. Time allowed: 60 minutes. There are 3 sections: 10 questions in section I, 10 in section II and 30 in section III.
Section –I (Mental Ability) : Sets, Relations and Functions, Mathematical Induction, Logarithms, Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations, Linear In-equations, Differentiation, Sequences and Series (A.P. & G.P. Misc.), Trigonometry, Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates, Straight Lines and Family of Straight Lines, Circles, Conic Section, Trigonometry, Permutations and Combinations, Binomial Theorem, Statistics, Mathematical Logic, Limits, Probability, Introduction to 3-D Geometry.
Section –II (Logical and Analytical Reasoning): Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning.
Section –III (Computers and IT) : History, Generation and Types of Computers, Working with OS, Input, Output & Memory Devices, Data Representation, Basics of IT, Internet Services and Protocols, Introduction to XML, Networking, Viruses and Anti-viruses, Introduction to C++ till Data Structures.
In addition to the above Syllabus, the NCO paper may include Questions on latest Developments / Upgradation in computers.

Class 12
The actual test paper has 50 questions. Time allowed: 60 minutes. There are 3 sections: 10 questions in section I, 10 in section II and 30 in section III.
Section –I (Mental Ability) : Sets, Relations and Functions, Mathematical Induction, Logarithms, Complex Numbers, Linear In-equations, Quadratic Equations, Sequences and Series, Trigonometry, Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates, Straight Lines and Family of Straight Lines, Circles, Conic Section, Permutations and Combinations, Binomial Theorem, Exponential and Logarithmic Series, Mathematical Logic, Statistics & Probability, Three Dimensional Geometry, Vectors, Stocks, Shares and Debentures, Average and Partition Values, Index Numbers, Matrices and Determinants, Limits, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus.
Section –II (Logical and Analytical Reasoning): Verbal and nonverbal reasoning.
Section –III (Computers and IT): Programming in C++, Database Concepts, SQL, Boolean algebra, Networking & Topologies, Network Security Concepts, Cyber ethics, Viruses and Anti-viruses, Open Source Terminologies.
In addition to the above Syllabus, the NCO paper may include Questions on latest Developments / Upgradation in computers.

Certificates/ Awards/ Prizes

Certificate for all participating students, teachers and Head of the Institutions; Performance report for all students; School Cyber Whiz Kid medals; Award for 5533 topper students at International and State level; 70 Best NCO In-charge Awards; 110 Best Principal Awards

1. First Level Prizes:
·         Participation Certificate to every student.
·         School Whiz-Kid Medal - Where more than 10 students from one class write SOF’s Olympiad exam. The top 3 rank holders from that class will be awarded gold, silver and bronze medals respectively. Where between 5 to 9 students from a class write the SOF’s Olympiad exam –The top rank holder from that class will be awarded a gold medal.
·         CQ (Computer Quotient) Report for every student

2. Second Level Prizes:
Class 2 to Class 6
A. International Level
         1st prize – I-Pad
         2nd prize – I-Pad
         3rd prize – I-Pad
B. State Level
         1st prize-   Gold Medal + Gifts worth Rs 1000/ + Certificate
         2nd prize – Silver Medal + Gifts worth Rs 1000/ + Certificate
         3rd prize – Bronze Medal + Gifts worth Rs 1000/ + Certificate
         Rank 4 to Rank 25 – Gifts worth Rs 1000/ + Certificate

Class 7 to class 12
International Level
        1st prize – Rs. Fifty Thousand only
        2nd prize – Rs. Twenty Five Thousand
        3rd prize – Rs. Ten Thousand only
State Level
         1st prize-   Gold Medal + Certificate + Rs. 5000/
         2nd prize – Silver Medal + Certificate + Rs. 2500/
         3rd prize – Bronze Medal + Certificate + Rs. 1000/
         Rank 4 to Rank 25 – Gifts worth Rs. 1000/ + Certificate

State Level Awards will be accorded to winners in following states; State Level Awards Functions will be held in most States to felicitate the winners.


INTERNATIONAL – All International countries will be considered as one state
Student should correctly fill in marks obtained in his/her previous year’s exams in the OMR sheet. Incorrect or incomplete information may lead to disqualification of the child from being ranked. Sample OMR sheet is available on this site and has also been sent to schools.

Best Principal Award - (110 nos)
Best Principal to be determined by the weighted average of number of registering students and their performance from one school for all 4 Olympiad exams. The following awards will be provided:
(a) International Winners – (10 nos.)                                    
- Rs 25000/ each + Trophy + Certificate
(b) State Winners – 100nos (5 nos. per state for 20 states)
- Rs 10000/ each + Trophy + Certificate 

School NCO In-charge Award - (70 nos.)
Best School NCO In-charge to be determined by the weighted average of number of registering students and their performance from one school in the NCO Olympiad. The following awards will be provided:
(a) International Winners – 10 nos.                                      
- Rs 10000/ each + Trophy + Certificate
(b) State Winners – 60 (3 nos. per state for 20 states)         
- Rs 5000/ each + Trophy + Certificate 

SCQ (School Cyber Quotient): Report for every participating School Principal/Management and HOD of computer department /computer teachers of the school.

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