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Sunday, 8 June 2014


Analysis of JEE 2013

According to the latest pattern, JEE is conducted for the admission to Undergraduate Engineering Programs at NITs, IIITs and other CFTIs. This is a two phase exam, the first phase JEE (Main) is designed almost on previous AIEEE Pattern.

The second phase conducts JEE (Advanced), which is based on the eligibility criteria set by the IITs. This phase is meant for the serious candidates who aspire to enter the most sought after premier institutions like IITs. JEE (Advanced) is conducted in same lines with that of IIT-JEE.

The trend of questions in both the papers of JEE-2013 is given below:

1.     Objective & Assertion-Reason type questions with equal weightage to PCM for JEE (Main) only
2.     One or More than One Options Correct Type (More than one correct answers)
3.     One Integer Value Correct Type (Only one digit numeric answer) 
4.     Only One Option Correct Type (Single correct answer)
5.     Comprehension Type (3 Paragraphs, 2 MCQs based on each Paragraph)
6.     Matching List Type (Two columns listing different entries to be matched with each other and to choose only one correct answer from the choices-A,B,C,D)

Candidates Appeared in JEE (Main)-2013

As per Joint Apex Board of CBSE- the conducting body of JEE (Main), the number of students registered for JEE (Main) this year is 13,56,805 as compared to around 14.62 lakh last year, a decline of nearly 10% in the number of applicants appearing for the exam this year.

JEE (Main)-2014 Cut-off score for appearing in JEE (Advanced) – 2013

Cut Off Marks
Common Merit List (CML)
Other Backward Class (OBC-NCL)
Scheduled Castes (SC)
Scheduled Tribes (ST)

Candidates Qualified in JEE (Advanced)-2013
Of the 1.5 lakh students who appeared for JEE (Advanced) for admission into IIT and some other centrally funded institutes (CFTIs), 21,110 students were qualified for 9885 seats across these institutions. Out of 21,110 qualified students, 14,336 students were called for counseling starting from 24th June, 2013.

A candidate needs to score a minimum of 10% marks in each section of the two papers of the exam and overall 35%. Not all who qualify get a berth at these institutes but, a part of the extended merit list get a chance for admissions only when the top scorers drop off the list. 

JEE (Advanced) – 2013 Cut-off

Minimum Qualifying Mark for Ranking (MQMR) and Aggregate Cut-off: JEE (Advanced)-2013

Subject wise cut-off
Merit list cut-off marks
126 (35%)
114 (31.5%)
63 (17.5%)
63 (17.5%)

The procedure that will be used for calculating the JEE (Advanced) 2013 Cut-off Ranks and Marks is as follows:
·         Only the candidates, who have attempted both the papers, will be considered for cut-off calculation.
·         The aggregate marks of the candidate will be the sum of the marks obtained by him/her in both – Paper 1 and Paper 2.

There will be separate merit lists for the candidates of NCL – OBC, ST and SC. JEE (Advanced) 2013 Cut-off Marks for them are as follows:
·         NCL – OBC: 9% in each subject and 31.5% aggregate
·         SC and ST: 5% in each subject and 17.5% aggregate

Merit Lists for Physically Disabled Candidates:
PD Candidates of OBC (NCL), ST, GEN and SC categories will have a separate merit list. JEE (Advanced) 2013 Cut-off for these candidates will be 5% in each subject and 17.5% in aggregate.

Merit list for Preparatory Course:
If the number of candidates in the merit lists of SC/ST/PD is less than 1.4 times the number of seats in every category, separate merit lists for the Preparatory Course will be prepared. The JEE (Advanced) 2013 Cutoff for this list will be 2.5% in each subject and 8.75% in aggregate.

Total No. of Seats at various IITs in 2013

Institute                 Code      GEN  OBC(NCL)                 SC          ST     GE_PD OBC_PD SC_PD ST_PD          Total
1.     IIT Bombay       B          432       230       129       63         13         7          4          2          880
2.     IIT Delhi            D          416       224       122       63         13         7          4          2          851
3.     IIT Guwahati      W         323       175       97         45         10         5          3          2          660
4.     IIT Kanpur         K          405       217       120       60         12         7          4          2          827
5.     IIT Kharagpur     G          657       351       195       98         20         11         6          3          1341
6.     IIT Madras         M         410       220       122       61         13         6          4          2          838
7.     IIT Roorkee        R          541       289       161       81         17         9          5          2          1105
8.     IIT (BHU) Var.    V          533       283       156       85         16         9          5          3          1090
9.     ISM Dhanbad    S          494       267       149       73         11         6          3          2          1005
10.  IIT Gandhingr.    N          71         36         21         10         1          1          0          0          140
11.  IIT Ropar-Pun    U          60         32         17         8          0          1          1          1          120
12.  IIT Patna           P          99         53         29         16         3          0          0          0          200
13.  IIT JodhpurRaj   J          98         53         29         14         2          2          1          1          200
14.  IIT Bbsr-Odish A            78         43         23         11         2         1          1          1          160
15.  IIT Hyderabad    H          101       57         30         15         4          1          1          1          210
16.  IIT Indore           E          58         32        17         9          2          1          1          0          120
17.  IIT Mandi (HP)   C          59         32         17         8          1          1          1          1          120
                                        4835     2594     1434     720       140       75         44         25         9867

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